SDL - Symbiosis Designs Limited
SDL stands for Symbiosis Designs Limited
Here you will find, what does SDL stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Symbiosis Designs Limited? Symbiosis Designs Limited can be abbreviated as SDL What does SDL stand for? SDL stands for Symbiosis Designs Limited. What does Symbiosis Designs Limited mean?The architecture & planning business firm is located in Westford, Massachusetts, United States, Jordan.
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Alternative definitions of SDL
- Sams Draconic Lizard
- Sam's Draconic Lizard
- Swingin Down The Lane
- Simple Directmedia Library
- Simple DirectMedia Layer
- Specification and Description Language
- Self Directed Learning
- Simple Direct Layer
View 183 other definitions of SDL on the main acronym page
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